Wow Vision Therapy Blog
Category: Success Stories
Fixing Lazy Eye, Refractive Amblyopia faster and easier at any age
Lazy Eye, Amblyopia, is a condition of visual impairment that affects about 1 in 30 individuals. There are different forms of Amblyopia, some are due to a form of eye teaming failure (Strabismus) that occurs in infancy or toddlerhood, and…
Logan’s Success Story
By: Logan’s Parents Logan was struggling in school, and we had asked for him to be tested for Dyslexia or other learning disabilities by the school starting in 1st grade. With COVID and the school being shut down for his…
Serena’s Success Story
By: Serena I came to Wow Vision after years of on-and-off dizziness and going to many kinds of doctors who either did not help me or just thought I had migraines. I had an MRI and other tests that were…
By: Brenda I first heard about Vision Therapy (VT) at my most recent routine eye appointment, when I was told my left eye was not focusing in a coordinated way with my right eye and that this was not something…
Nabil’s Amblyopia Success Story
By: Khaled (Patient’s Parent) Wow. Wow. Wow! I am so impressed by the team at Wow Vision Therapy. My son was diagnosed with moderate amblyopia in his left eye at age 7. While every other specialist had declared it would…
By: Stephanie (Drew’s Mom) Before Drew started vision therapy, we thought we had tried everything to improve his reading abilities. Despite receiving extra help with reading at school, tutoring, and trying all kinds of techniques at home, Drew struggled with…
By: The Heyes Family Our Journey with Harper’s vision started back right when she started kindergarten. Before starting school, Harper had to receive a vision and hearing screening. During this appointment, unbeknownst to me, Harper really struggled to see. As…
My Journey Through Vision Therapy
By: Grace (Patient) When I was about 10 years old, I started getting headaches, and it was hard to read. My letters would always double or be blurry or even scattered around the page. I went to an eye doctor,…
TeleTherapy Improved His Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Remotely
By: Geoffrey (Patient) As an adult with Amblyopia, I’ve been told by far too many optometrists that my amblyopia was untreatable. Come to find out, that’s not necessarily true. Back in March of 2021, I came across a post on…
Artist & Producer Reports Improved Vision
For Artists, vision is one of the most important senses. From painting a picture to creating music, having proper visual abilities is crucial when creating. Without it, an artist can run into some potential roadblocks that may affect their abilities…
How an ER Visit Lead to Vision Therapy
It was just another normal day for Aaron and Vanessa until their 2-year-old daughter Claire looked up at them with a crossed eye. Shocked to see an abrupt onset eye turn for the first time, Aaron and Vanessa immediately took…
Learning and Traveling at Ease After Vision Therapy
When a child’s eyes do not work together as a team, many day-to-day problems can occur. These problems range from difficulties in school to problems playing sports. And one of the ways a child’s eyes do not work together is…
Her Reading & Learning Confidence Blossomed after Vision Therapy
Research shows a child or adult may have normal functioning eyesight yet still have a significant dysfunction in their visual performance that impacts reading and learning. These visual problems can be developmental in nature or even due to a concussion,…
Grand Rapids Student Loves To Read After Completing Vision Therapy
All too often, we see patients searching for solutions to their child’s problems in school after attempting several other treatments or tutoring options. After learning about Vision Therapy though a friend, read how Nicole discovered her daughter Makayla undiagnosed vision…
When a Concussion Affects Vision – Beth’s Success Story
The impact of head trauma can cause a concussion, leading to a severe impact on the affected individual’s visual system. Many times, concussion based symptoms are often confused as “other issues” from trauma. For many individuals, symptoms can persist for…
Treatment Improved Reading Abilities for Dyslexic Child
When a parent sees their child struggle with reading, often this will raise some red flags – especially when comparing a child’s reading progress with their classmates. For some children, their ability to read may get off track for a…
Short Stories By Vision Therapy Patients
Vision therapy is a rehabilitative program, prescribed to treat developmental and/or neurologically induced dysfunctions of the visual system. Typically, those who need this form of treatment experience visual problems that go beyond what glasses or contacts can correct. Some of…
After a Winter Accident Disoriented Her Vision, Vision Therapy Helped Her Feel Normal Again
When someone experiences a traumatic brain injury, many different aspects of life become difficult. However, visual complications are the most common complaints. Following a concussion – for example – things like reading often become difficult. Text on a page may…
Visual Problems Left Her Fearing Unemployment after Car Accident
When someone experiences a sudden bump, blow, or jolt to the head, often a concussion diagnosis follows. Those with a concussion frequently experience several visual problems. In fact, over 50% of patients with a concussion have visual problems that cause…
Treating His Eye Turn Changed The Course of His Life
When an individual lives with an eye turn, often they may feel like there is no hope with treatment. Maybe they were told that treatment success is low or that surgery is not an option to treat their cross-eye. On…
Visual Problems After A Car Accident Lead Him To Vision Therapy
After experiencing a serious car accident, Spencer’s life was turned up-side-down. His visual world was not what it used to be and things that used to come easy stopped being easy. After learning of his diagnosis, Spencer found himself searching…
Her Double Vision Is No Longer a Learning Barrier
When a child struggles with Double Vision, many aspects of learning and play are affected. Things, like reading or catching a ball, are very challenging. This especially was the case for young Lily. At ten years old, Lily had a…
Short Stories: Patients Advocate for Vision Therapy
Vision Problems Following a Head Injury By: Eugene I came to vision therapy after complications from a head injury and being referred by my doctor, I was skeptical at first. I did not feel it was going to help me…
By: Minho My most prominent experience with the ripple effect happened a little bit over a year ago… For my entire life, I’ve taken things for granted. My ability to eat copious amounts of food, breathing, being born in a…
Her Son’s Reading Abilities Soared After Vision Therapy
By: Jenny About seven short months ago on a warm sunny day, I sat in Dr. Bartolini’s office and cried as initial results from Eric’s evaluation were shared. How could a child, like Eric, that comes from a house with…
Ella’s Success Story
By: Kimberly Ella was a great student up until second grade. As the year went on, her scores got lower and lower, and she had more and more homework. We were working with her for about two hours every night…