Wow Vision Therapy Blog

Episode 4 – Effectively treating Lazy Eye at any age

On August 8, 2023, the 4th Episode of The Luminary Program launched, entitled, Amblyopia – Effectively Treating Lazy Eye at Any Age. 

In this episode, Dr  Alyssa Parz, Dr Alicia Bultsma and Dr Dan Fortenbacher speak about the characteristics of Amblyopia and why Lazy Eye is much more than loss of eye sight in one eye. More importantly, they discuss how this relatively common visual condition which affects 1 in 30 individuals interferes with not only eyesight from the affected eye, but the quality of visual function which includes visual processing, eye movement speed, efficiency and accuracy, eye hand coordination, depth perception and emotions.

The doctors discuss Amblyopia on many layers, the cause, the research and the Wow Vision Therapy advanced treatment model that delivers positive results for amblyopic patients at any age. To this point, they provide 3 case examples to show the impact of vision therapy on the patient’s visual function, confidence and overall quality of life.

We hope you will enjoy watching this new episode, Amblyopia – Effectively Treating Lazy Eye at Any Age.

If you or your child has amblyopia and would like to learn more about what can be done to help, please contact us.


Dan L. Fortenbacher, O.D., FCOVD
Wow Vision Therapy


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