Wow Vision Therapy Blog
Category: Autism
Improving Everyday Tasks for Patients with Autism

A child with autism may also suffer from a developmental delay within their vision, making day-to-day tasks more difficult. In this success story, Jennifer explains how vision therapy helped her daughter enjoy everyday tasks. “Austyn was diagnosed with complex partial epilepsy…
Is it Autism or a Vision Problem?
At age 6.3 Hendrick was referred by his occupational therapiståÊin South Bend, INåÊwith a diagnosis of PDD NOS and high functioning autism. At his first examination with Dr. Fortenbacher, his mother reported that Hendrick would “melt down” when it came…
Optometry and Vision Therapy’s important role in the treatment of Autism
Ryan is a child with Autism. Like many children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) they can also experience delays in vision development whichåÊ significantly exaggerates the severity of the spectrum of behaviors associated with their autism. Take a look and…
Children with Autism: The Life Changing Results of Vision Therapy
How can vision therapy help a child with autism? In this video you will meet our patient Owen, a child with autism. See how vision therapy can be a very effective treatment for the developmental delays of the visual system…
From Temple Grandin to Moms Fighting Autism…seeing the vision connection
Statistics from the Autism SocietyåÊshows that autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in the US. Current studies are suggesting that Autism is occurring in 1 inåÊ110 children with nearly 1.5 million living with this condition. Autism is a spectrum…
Vision problems in Children with Autism
Autism is known asåÊa spectrum disorder that affects nearly 1 in 150 children. Developmental delays are also common in children with autism which can include key areas of vision development.åÊ Doctor supervised office-basedåÊvision therapy can effectivelyåÊremediateåÊdevelopmental delays of the visual…
April is Autism Awareness Month
AutismåÊis the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States affecting 1 in every 150 individuals.åÊ Autism is categorized under the term ASD, which stands for autism spectrum disorders.åÊ A spectrum disorder refers to the varying degree of behavior affecting…
Appropriate treatments for children with autism, The Horse Boy…as special story
Children on the autism spectrum present with special challenges for parents and physicians. In Spring of 2008 The Horse Boy movie is scheduled to be released. In this griping father-son story we see how a child, Rowan Issacson and his…