Wow Vision Therapy Blog
Optometry and Vision Therapy’s important role in the treatment of Autism
Ryan is a child with Autism. Like many children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) they can also experience delays in vision development whichåÊ significantly exaggerates the severity of the spectrum of behaviors associated with their autism.
Take a look and see RyanÛªs progression throughoutåÊ 9 months of office-based optometric vision therapy at Wow Vision Therapy. Ryan was initially referred to us by his Sensory Integration Occupational Therapist who recognized the hallmark signs and symptoms of a developmental vision problem that was interfering with RyanÛªs progress.
Doctors of Optometry also play a vital role in the early detection of autism. This is becoming
more evident also in continuing education for optometrists around the US. For example at the 2012 AOA Annual Meeting,åÊ Dr. Glen T. Steele presented on this important topic to primary care optometrists. The story was published in the September 2012 of Optometry Times.
More information can also be found on The VisionHelp Blog where Dr. Leonard Press has written extensively on the subject of vison and autism. Click here for the collection of VH Blog articles published on this topic.åÊFor those who would like an excellent article published in Volume 40/Number 3/2009,
Optometry and Vision Development, entitled: The Role of Optometry in Early Indentification of Austim Spectrum Disorders, authored by: Leonard J. Press, O.D., FCOVDåÊand Jack E. Richman, O.D., FCOVD,åÊclick here.