Wow Vision Therapy Blog
Category: ADD
ADHD behaviors often a sign of a developmental vision problem
ADHD, is a well known condition that is associated with poor attention and concentration. As a matter of fact, in the April 12, 2024 issue of the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) News Brief, the headline reads: More Than…
ADD: Treating the Cause, not the Symptoms
Over the past several decades, ADD and ADHD have become some of the most common behavioral labels of our children today. In 2011, the CDC reported that approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million in the US)…
A young girl’s life of frustration when misdiagnosed with ADD
Frustrating? Yes. Upsetting? Of course! When a bright young lady has struggled for years at school, only to be assumed she had ADD. And just because her teacher suggested her behavior was probably ADD does not mean her teacher was…
Convergence Insufficiency or ADD/ADHD?
Convergence Insufficiency is a vision disorder that affects nearly 1 in 12 children and has consequences to a child’s quality of life. This serious vision problem does not cause blindness, but it’s impact can be nearly as severe as shown…
3-D Vision Syndrome…linked to “ADD-like” behaviors in children
{Authors note: Coincidently today, åÊjust before I was about to publish this blog article, I examined a 5th grade (11 year old) girl whoåÊhas beenåÊstruggling to concentrate in school for the last 3 years. åÊHer teachers thought she had ADHD…