Wow Vision Therapy Blog
A young girl’s life of frustration when misdiagnosed with ADD

Frustrating? Yes. Upsetting? Of course! When a bright young lady has struggled for years at school, only to be assumed she had ADD. And just because her teacher suggested her behavior was probably ADD does not mean her teacher was at fault. Her behavior did look like ADD! But that is where the problem lies, because this is a common assumption made by many people when a child has behaviors of poor attention and concentration with reading. Immediately ADD or ADHD comes up and the child is too often put on psycho-stimulant medication without the necessary rule-outs of other conditions.
But thanks to Madison’s pediatrician who performed a simple test of Madison’s binocular vision called a Near Point of Convergence Test, she found Madison had a vision problem called Convergence Insufficiency, a vision problem that affects 1 in 12 children, and referred her to see me for a comprehensive binocular vision evaluation. Take a look and hear from Madison’s mother, who tells the story about her daughter’s struggle with attention and concentration at school, disinterest in reading and loss of confidence transform into her success from the treatment of her binocular vision problems through advanced vision therapy care at Wow Vision Therapy.
Madison’s story of success through office-based optometric vision therapy is validated in the latest scientific research and published in: Optom Vis Sci. 2012 January ; 89(1): 12 18, Improvement in Academic Behaviors Following Successful Treatment of Convergence Insufficiency.
In addition, more evidence of Madison’s successful treatment is outlined by the American Academy of Optometry published in August 2013 a position paper entitled, American Academy of Optometry Binocular Vision, Perception, and Pediatric Optometry Position Paper on Optometric Care of the Struggling Student for parents, educators, and other professionals.
If you are located within Northern Indiana, Western or Southwestern Michigan and have a child who exhibits ADD-like behaviors, struggles in reading comprehension, homework is a battle, has headaches with reading or has other learning related difficulty, call our office and our patient care coordinators will help you by making an appointment with one of our Board Certified Doctors. If you are not within the region of Wow Vision Therapy go to the College of Optometrists in Vision Development at and click on the Doctor Locator to find a specialist nearest you.
Dan L. Fortenbacher, O.D.,FCOVD