Wow Vision Therapy Blog
The Visual Consequences of when a Mild Concussion becomes a Severe Brain Injury.

Too many patients who have a mild concussion exacerbate into a more severe brain injury, resulting in severe visual problems, often weeks and months after the injury. To emphasize this serious public health issue, The Colloege of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) has proclaimed March as Brain Injury Awareness Month. Speaking directly on this subject, Drs. Fortenbacher, Stull and Edwards and the Wow Vision Therapist Team lectured on The Visual Consequences of when a Mild Concussion becomes a Severe Brain Injury…an Advanced Model of Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation Care at the Annual Michigan Vision Therapy Study Group Meeting in January at the Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University.
Featured in our presentation was a case study of our patient Thomas whose story is told in this video.
To read more about their lecture, visit Dr. Fortenbacher’s post written for the VisionHelp Blog entitled: