Wow Vision Therapy Blog
Category: Vision and Sports
Improved Handwriting, Reading, Comprehension and Sports

While in 1st grade, I noticed Raegan was a much slower reader than the other children her age, and she would frequently leave out small words such as: and, a, the. During the summer I took her to see the…
Teacher Reported Great Gains

Robert initially was thought to have acuity issues at his well-child exam. He was then referred to an Optometrist, who then diagnosed him with Convergence Insufficiency. He could see 20/20. He had always struggled to read at grade level. He…
The Impact of Concussion on Vision…the latest video from VisionHelp

The Impact of Concussion on Vision is the latest installment from the VisionHelp Group that brings together leading experts in vision development and rehabilitation along with the personal side of this issue because a young woman, Abby, tells her story about…
The Visual Consequences of when a Mild Concussion becomes a Severe Brain Injury.

Too many patients who have a mild concussion exacerbate into a more severe brain injury, resulting in severe visual problems, often weeks and months after the injury. To emphasize this serious public health issue, The Colloege of Optometrists in Vision…
Better vision skills gives competitive advantage in sports and in life
All athletes want a competitive advantage. After all, the goal in most sports is to win! To the serious competitor, that competitive advantage is a result of hard work, body conditioning and practice at developing the fundamental skills that are…
How Sports Vision Therapy Can Transform You To An Elite Athlete!
With one of the biggest sports events happening today, Superbowl weekend may have you questioning what you can do to bring your sports performance to the next level of competition.åÊ Arizona CardinalÛªs wideout, Larry Fitzgerald has been having quite a…
Better 3-D Vision and Vision Tracking…”Super Bowl” results for High School Student- U of M Baseball Scholarship
Better eye coordination and 3-D vision helps improve performance in many ways. Simply put, “track it better” hit it better in baseball and read it faster and easier in school and academics. Read aboutåÊone of our 17 year old patients…
How can vision therapy enhance your baseball performance?
Although an athlete may have 20/20 vision, this measurement only addresses one of the many components which contribute to the visual system.åÊ It’s possible there may be a deficit in the areas of eye teaming, eye focusing, eye tracking, peripheral…