Wow Vision Therapy Blog

Dr Fortenbacher Presenting to Israeli Doctors on Visual Processing


Reaching out and providing continuing education to doctors in Israel, Dr. Fortenbacher, Founder of Wow Vision Therapy,  presented a 1-hour Virtual Lecture on March 4, 2024, on The Clinical Significance of Your Observations in Evaluating Visual Processing in Children with Learning Problems. 

One of Israel’s leading Developmental Optometrists, Dr. Robert Lederman, coordinated with Dr. Fortenbacher in bringing this lecture to the Israeli Chapter of COVD colleagues on not only the importance of standardized testing, but also the critical element of understanding your patient with listening and key observations of behavior and performance during testing. As a past examiner on the International Examination and Certification Board of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development and past president of COVD, Dr. Fortenbacher was able to share critical insights with the audience on not only what tests to administer when evaluating visual processing but also the key observations to interpret best and how to recognize subtle responses in visual form perception, visual memory and visual-spatial concepts all which are essential to written language in reading, writing, the visual elements of attention and concentration as well as getting homework done more effectively.

These examiner observations are essential during the comprehensive visual evaluation process because they are critical to targeting effective vision therapy treatment for faster and better patient results. These improvements in visual processing must then be linked or targeted to the patient’s quality of life, including reading and learning goals. In doing this, the patient’s visual processing improvements translate to academic and school performance enhancements.

These principles are inherent in the fiber of the Israeli people and the doctors in this lecture, as many questions were asked to incorporate better the information presented by Dr. Fortenbacher into their practices.