About Wow Vision Therapy
At Wow Vision Therapy, we are a world-class developmental and rehabilitative vision therapy practice. Our doctors, board-certified vision therapists, and staff dedicate each day to helping our patients acquire improved vision abilities. In doing so, we deliver innovative optometric vision therapy through the principles of neuroscience. After treatment, our patients typically obtain significantly improved visual function, visual comfort, attention and concentration, academic abilities, work and sports performance, and overall quality of life. These improvements often empower our patients with a greater sense of efficiency, productivity and confidence.
Treatment Areas
Hundreds of healthcare professionals turn to us as their West Michigan referral center for children, teens and adults presenting with vision conditions such as binocular dysfunction, convergence insufficiency/excess, strabismus (eye turn), amblyopia (lazy eye), accommodative (eye focusing) dysfunction, oculomotor (eye-tracking) dysfunction, visual perceptual and visual integrative dysfunction, motion sickness and post-concussion vision syndrome or vision problems following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or stroke. We also provide vision therapy for developmental delays in vision associated with autism, nonverbal learning disability (NVLD), and other unspecified developmental disorders. In addition, we provide advanced sports vision training for athletes to gain high-level visual abilities for a competitive advantage in their game.
Our Model of Care
At Wow Vision Therapy, our patients experience a highly personalized approach with each session one-on-one (therapist-to-patient), conducted under doctor supervision. During treatment, our doctors and board-certified vision therapists apply state-of-the-art technology and procedures, making treatment enjoyable and productive. Our advanced approach incorporates coordinated movement, balance, auditory processing and cognitive abilities. This methodology allows our patients to develop their visual abilities and improve daily living in the classroom, the workplace, and in sports.
Our Founder
Dan L. Fortenbacher, O.D., FCOVD, founded Wow Vision Therapy in 2000. His passion for developmental vision and rehabilitative vision therapy began early in his education after working with children who struggled with reading and learning. After graduating from The Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University in 1979, Dr. Fortenbacher continued research of developmental vision in post-graduate studies. He became a Board Certified Fellow in Developmental Vision and Vision Therapy (FCOVD) in 1987 by the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD). He has served in numerous leadership positions within the profession, including president of COVD. Dr. Fortenbacher has developed numerous models of innovation in the delivery of developmental, binocular and neuro-optometric vision rehabilitative care.
Get In Touch
To learn more, please fill out the form below and one of our Patient Care Coordinators will be in touch to answer your questions or help schedule an evaluation for you.