Wow Vision Therapy Blog
Is it Autism or a Vision Problem?
At age 6.3 Hendrick was referred by his occupational therapiståÊin South Bend, INåÊwith a diagnosis of PDD NOS and high functioning autism. At his first examination with Dr. Fortenbacher, his mother reported that Hendrick would “melt down” when it came to reading and writing! His diagnosis was accommodative dysfunction, oculomotor dysfunction and delays in visual processing. In this video you will see Hendrick in action during vision therapy and hear his mother talk about his progress after only 21 sessions.
On Monday, November 12, 2012, Patricia Lemer, M.Ed will be in South Bend, Indiana lecturing on autism and vision and other related aspects. Her all-day PESIåÊlecture is entitled: IN Vision Issues in Autism: More Than Meets the Eye Seminar.åÊInåÊaddition,åÊthe ClinicåÊDirector from Wow Vision Therapy,åÊåÊ Lindsey Stull, O.D., FCOVDåÊwill be attending and offering some examples of vision therapy activities.