Wow Vision Therapy Blog

How an ER Visit Lead to Vision Therapy

It was just another normal day for Aaron and Vanessa until their 2-year-old daughter Claire looked up at them with a crossed eye. Shocked to see an abrupt onset eye turn for the first time, Aaron and Vanessa immediately took Claire to the hospital.

Feeling traumatized and unsure of what caused their daughter’s eye to turn, they feared the worst – a brain tumor.

Once admitted, Claire underwent several tests, a CAT Scan and MRI. To their relief, Claire did not suffer from anything life-threatening. However, Claire was diagnosed with Strabismus – a vision disorder in which the eyes don’t look in the same direction simultaneously. Also commonly known as a crossed or turned eye. After receiving the diagnosis, Claire was referred to an Ophthalmologist – a medical or osteopathic doctor specializing in eye and vision care.

While at the Ophthalmologist, Claire was prescribed glasses for her farsightedness. The doctor also recommended proceeding with eye muscle surgery to correct her turning eyes. Feeling uneasy about surgery, Aaron and Vanessa thought there must be a better alternative.

After doing some research, they discovered Vision Therapy – a rehabilitative program prescribed to treat developmental dysfunctions of the visual system. After learning about, Vision Therapy, Aaron and Vanessa scheduled a Developmental Vision Evaluation for Claire at Wow Vision Therapy.

During their initial Evaluation visit, Aaron, Vanessa, and Claire had the chance to meet with several team members, including Dr. Dan Fortenbacher, O.D., FCOVD. While at the office, they reported, “As parents, [the team] was able to give us the “How’s” and “Why’s” that we were searching for to understand what our daughter was going through and how best to help her. We had found a place willing and able to answer any and all of our questions.”

After meeting the team and feeling well educated in their daughter’s condition, Aaron and Vanessa felt confident that Wow Vision Therapy was the best practice to treat their daughter’s Strabismus.

Once in treatment, Aaron and Vanessa started seeing some encouraging results. As they put it, “Before coming to Wow Vision Therapy, Claire struggled with her eyes turning in, balance, confidence, and coordination. All of those things dramatically improved as therapy progressed. Vision Therapy taught Claire how to gain control of her eyes. Her eyes straightened and began working together, and her depth perception improved immensely. She began to be much more coordinated and confident! She finally enjoyed riding her bike and received a Reading award at school this year! …The progress and improvement we see in Claire from Wow Vision are truly remarkable!”

The family went on to say, “We are so thankful for the staff, doctors, and especially Claire’s therapist, Connie, at Wow Vision Therapy. When I asked Claire what her favorite part of therapy is, she said, “Spending time with Miss Connie!” Connie has truly made coming to therapy appointments something Claire looks forward to. Connie has gone above and beyond to help Claire reach her goals while also patiently teaching us new exercises to do at home with Claire and making sure to tailor a program that is just right for her!”

After completing treatment, Aaron and Vanessa said, “The decision to try Vision Therapy at Wow Vision Therapy has turned into one of the most rewarding choices we have ever made! It has truly been life-changing for Claire, and in turn, for us as well. We would highly recommend Wow Vision to anyone we meet!”


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