Wow Vision Therapy Blog
Tag: wow vision therapy
Learning and Traveling at Ease After Vision Therapy

When a child’s eyes do not work together as a team, many day-to-day problems can occur. These problems range from difficulties in school to problems playing sports. And one of the ways a child’s eyes do not work together is…
Her Reading & Learning Confidence Blossomed after Vision Therapy

Research shows a child or adult may have normal functioning eyesight yet still have a significant dysfunction in their visual performance that impacts reading and learning. These visual problems can be developmental in nature or even due to a concussion,…
Treatment Improved Reading Abilities for Dyslexic Child

When a parent sees their child struggle with reading, often this will raise some red flags – especially when comparing a child’s reading progress with their classmates. For some children, their ability to read may get off track for a…
When a Child Struggles with Reading, Vision Therapy May Help

We know that vision is critical when it comes to reading. In fact, our visual abilities are what allow us to appreciate the world fully. For children, proper visual skills are vital for reading, learning, and sports. Without these, many…
Short Stories By Vision Therapy Patients

Vision therapy is a rehabilitative program, prescribed to treat developmental and/or neurologically induced dysfunctions of the visual system. Typically, those who need this form of treatment experience visual problems that go beyond what glasses or contacts can correct. Some of…
After a Winter Accident Disoriented Her Vision, Vision Therapy Helped Her Feel Normal Again

When someone experiences a traumatic brain injury, many different aspects of life become difficult. However, visual complications are the most common complaints. Following a concussion – for example – things like reading often become difficult. Text on a page may…
Amblyopia: Going Beyond 20/20 & How it Affects Life

When people think about vision loss, they may often picture a blind person with a white cane. Yet, many different types of conditions lead to vision loss, each of which affects the quality of a person’s life differently. One common…
Visual Problems Left Her Fearing Unemployment after Car Accident

When someone experiences a sudden bump, blow, or jolt to the head, often a concussion diagnosis follows. Those with a concussion frequently experience several visual problems. In fact, over 50% of patients with a concussion have visual problems that cause…
Treating His Eye Turn Changed The Course of His Life

When an individual lives with an eye turn, often they may feel like there is no hope with treatment. Maybe they were told that treatment success is low or that surgery is not an option to treat their cross-eye. On…
Visual Problems After A Car Accident Lead Him To Vision Therapy

After experiencing a serious car accident, Spencer’s life was turned up-side-down. His visual world was not what it used to be and things that used to come easy stopped being easy. After learning of his diagnosis, Spencer found himself searching…
Her Double Vision Is No Longer a Learning Barrier

When a child struggles with Double Vision, many aspects of learning and play are affected. Things, like reading or catching a ball, are very challenging. This especially was the case for young Lily. At ten years old, Lily had a…
She No Longer Struggles to Read & Learn After Vision Therapy

When a child struggles with reading and learning, often times their vision can be overlooked – especially when that same child has 20/20 eyesight. However, vision is so much more 20/20 eyesight and there are several other visual problems that…
Short Stories: Patients Advocate for Vision Therapy

Vision Problems Following a Head Injury By: Eugene I came to vision therapy after complications from a head injury and being referred by my doctor, I was skeptical at first. I did not feel it was going to help me…
When reading isn’t easy or fun, a Developmental Vision Evaluation is important to have done

We know that vision is critical to a child’s wellbeing and especially for reading. Indeed, visual abilities are what allows us to appreciate the world fully. Not only do children use their visual skills for reading, learning, and sports, but…
Her Son’s Reading Abilities Soared After Vision Therapy

By: Jenny About seven short months ago on a warm sunny day, I sat in Dr. Bartolini’s office and cried as initial results from Eric’s evaluation were shared. How could a child, like Eric, that comes from a house with…
Lucas’ Success Story

By: Lucas Wow Vision Therapy has helped me with so many things, especially school and baseball. Before Wow Vision Therapy, my life was so much harder. I was frustrated a lot and didn’t really know why. It seemed no matter…
If Your Child Struggled In School; Now’s The Time To Find Solutions!

When visual problems get in the way of educational performance, parents may not hear their child complain about blurry eyesight. Instead, what they may see are frustrations, such as: Reading is a struggle Homework is a battle Attention and concentration…
How Vision Therapy Helped Improve His Reading Fluency – Ben’s Story

In this success story, Audra explains how vision therapy corrected the underlying vision dysfunctions that were slowing down her son’s reading fluency. By: Audra (Ben’s Mom) Ben, age 9, has always accelerated in sports, math, writing, reading comprehension, and relationships…
Achievements in Class, Confidence for Sports – Carter’s Success Story

In this Success Story, Nicole explains how the Wow Vision Therapy, Grand Rapids team was able to treat the underlying vision issues associated with her son’s Sensory Processing Disorder. By: Nicole (Carter’s Mom) At the beginning of 2018 when Carter…
‘The best decision of my life was to pursue vision therapy.’

For adults, vision problems like Convergence Insufficiency can develop later on in life. For these adults, this condition is usually a result of a brain injury, like a concussion. Even a mild brain injury can affect someones binocular vision (eye…
‘Everything is Easier Since He Started Vision Therapy’

Strabismus is a failure of binocular vision, in which a child or adult is unable to properly team and align their eyes together. As a result, an eye will appear to wander out of alignment. What’s worse is the impact…
A Hidden Vision Condition that Affects Fine Motor Skills

Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a common condition which causes difficulty or inability to effectively converge or align both eyes together to perform near oriented visual tasks, like tracing, writing, reading or computer work. This hidden vision condition is not always easy to spot…
Newest Research Suggests This Evaluation When Faced With A Struggling Reader

We all want our children to do well with reading and learning, but when a child struggles to read, it can be very frustrating for both the child and their parents’. And with so many avenues to take, it may…
Avoiding Surgery by Turning to Vision Therapy – A Mothers Story

Below Sarah explains how her daughter avoided surgery by turning to vision therapy. Check out their powerful story! By: Sarah (Evelyn’s Mom) Just after Evelyn’s third birthday, we started noticing her eye turning in. We took her to our optometrist where she…
Treating Vision Dysfunctions Later In Life

It is not uncommon for many adults to struggle with a vision dysfunction that affects their work or daily living. And more often than not, these individuals have coped with this condition all their life. But without intervention, symptoms may get worse as…
‘Wow Vision Therapy Changed My Life!’

A concussion can have some serious negative affects on vision. Check out Mitchell’s story and how the team in Grand Rapids, MI changed his life. My journey with vision therapy started about 5 years ago when I pretty significantly hit my head.…