Wow Vision Therapy Blog


The Better Behavior Show – How Vision Problems Affect Reading & Learning (CLIP)

Podcaster Dr. Nicole Beurkens interviews Dr. Dan Fortenbacher


About Vision-Related Learning Problems

Did you know several vision conditions affect a child’s ability to read and learn even when that child has normal eyesight? If this comes to you as a surprise, you’re not alone. More often than not, many parents are unaware their child has a vision condition that is affecting their school performance – especially if their child has 20/20 visual acuity. However, vision is more than the function of our eyes and seeing small details. Good vision is the ability to use the two eyes to take in visual information, process that visual information, and integrate that with other sensory abilities and language. Good vision begins with the eyes, but the skill and readiness of using our vision happen in the brain.

Our eyes are the sensory receptors that allow our brains to acquire imagery from our world to understand symbols and language to read, write, move effectively in our environment, work, play, drive a car, and so much more. When a delay in vision development occurs, or after a neurological event such as a concussion, many problems can happen. These problems range from poor reading abilities to poor attention and concentration to more specific symptoms such as:

  • Eye discomfort
  • Motion sickness
  • Headaches
  • Double vision
  • Poor handwriting skills
  • Letter or number reversals
  • Slow at completing written assignments

Even after obtaining the necessary professional psychological assessments, tutoring, and other academic support services – a child may still struggle in school, leaving parents stumped. In this position, parents should consider a Developmental Vision Evaluation to see if any vision conditions affect their child’s performance. This evaluation is done by a developmental optometrist that goes beyond testing for contacts or glasses. During this evaluation, the doctor will look at several aspects of vision, analyzing a child’s sensorimotor, visual perceptual, visual integration, and reading skills.

Where Should I Take My Child For Testing?

At Wow Vision Therapy, we are a world-class developmental and rehabilitative vision therapy practice. Our doctors, board-certified vision therapists, and staff dedicate each day to helping our patients acquire improved vision abilities. In doing so, we deliver innovative optometric vision therapy through the principles of neuroscience. After treatment, our patients typically obtain significantly improved visual function, visual comfort, attention and concentration, academic abilities, work and sports performance, and overall quality of life. These improvements often empower our patients with a greater sense of efficiency, productivity and confidence.

For over 40 years, our doctors and vision therapists have successfully treated thousands of children with vision-related learning conditions, helping them gain the visual skills and confidence needed to succeed in school and in life.

Get In Touch

To learn more, please fill out the form below and one of our Patient Care Coordinators will be in touch to answer your questions or help schedule an evaluation for you.

Listen to the full interview with The Better Behavior show at