Wow Vision Therapy Blog

A Call for Advocacy on Vision and Learning

From time to time there is a patient advocate who steps up and says, ‰ÛÏenough is enough‰Û! ‰Û_meaning, more has to be done to help recognize children with vision related learning problems!

In this video provided from Dr. Robert Lederman on YouTube, a family member speaks out about the importance of early recognition of children with vision related learning problems.


At Wow Vision Therapy we recognize the vital role that parents and patients make to help educate the public about the serious impact vision problems involving binocular vision (eye teaming), accommodation (eye focusing), oculomotor abilities (eye movement control) and visual processing can have on reading and learning. For more examples, check out Wow Vision Therapy on Facebook.

Dan L. Fortenbacher, O.D., FCOVD