Wow Vision Therapy Blog
The Hole in the Hand…a look into the neural software of the visual brain
Last Thursday, July 1, 2010 it was my pleasure to present toåÊthe 3rd year students in their VisionåÊTherapy CourseåÊatåÊmy Alma Mater, Michigan College of Optometry.åÊåÊAs a Clinical Professor at MCO, the topic assigned to me for this lecture was about an interesting neural adaptation (anomalous correspondence)åÊthat patients can acquire when faced with the visual confusion of a disruption in binocular vision known as strabismus. Strabismus, or eye teaming failure, is often recognized by parents or doctors when an infant or toddler has an eye that appears “crossed” or “turned-out”.
Strabismus occurs in nearly 1 in 25 children and typically is theåÊresult ofåÊfaulty neural development of the human visual brain. ThereåÊare many differentåÊ forms of strabismus and as a result it is important for the “Doctors in training” to have the opportunity to experience some of theåÊvisual components to the strabismus puzzle.
As one might assume, the human brain is “wired” to function with the input from both eyes “streaming” together in a coherent fashion.åÊ For those of us who have normally functioning binocular vision we only know that the world looks “normal”! We do not see it as a construct of two visual inputs combined. Yet our visual brain has “software” that enables the signals from both eyes to merge together as a single unified construct when we have normal binocular vision.
To demonstrate this reallyåÊimpressive “visual software” IåÊshowed the students the “hole in the hand” demo. All anyone needs to do is take a paper towel tube and hold it up to one eye and at the same time place their other hand adjacent to the paper towel tube directly in front of the other eye about 3-4 inches away. With both eyes open, what you will see may surprise you! Those with normal binocular vision will see the object being viewed by the eye looking through the tube as if it is actually projected through theåÊhandåÊthat is in front of the other eye. This “hole in the hand” is an example of the neural software of the visual brain that gives us the ability to see with both eyes working together.
The visual brain is the dominant sensory system and integrates withåÊevery other sensory system. Therefore, any loss ofåÊbinocular vision functionåÊcanåÊhave a dramatic impact onåÊthe quality of life of theåÊchild or adult. This can occur on many different levels as the individual is forced toåÊcope with “re-writing” adaptive neural software or develop “stress-response” avoidance behaviors in an effort to maintain homeostasis and reduce confusion.
So why bother with showing future Doctors, who are dealing with the rigors of 20 credit hoursåÊgraduate schoolåÊthis simple “hole in the hand”?åÊ First off,åÊthisåÊlecture did expand intoåÊthe difficult to graspåÊcomplexitiesåÊof neuralåÊadaptations to binocular vision dysfunction. However,åÊat the same time knowledge presented in a lecture or garnered from a book does not typically give the level of understanding that can be better gained through a personal experience.
The “hole in the hand” shows the elegance of our binocular vision “software”. Any disruption in this naturally acquired development of the visual brain (such as strabismus or other conditions)åÊwill result in sensory loss.åÊConsequentlyåÊthe result of any sensory loss brings about anåÊassociated functional loss. In this unique demonstration, the “hole in the hand” mayåÊhelp our Doctors in training have a sense of empathy for their future patients. Possibly in this small way our futureåÊDoctors will garner a betteråÊunderstanding åÊthat binocular vision doesåÊreally matter to the patient.
Dan L. Fortenbacher, O.D., FCOVD