Wow Vision Therapy Blog
Author: dfortenbacher
The Intersection of Vision and Learning: How Vision Shapes Our Potential
In our increasingly demanding visual world, the importance of vision in learning is often underestimated. Vision is not just about seeing small details; it’s a complex process that plays a pivotal role in how we absorb, understand, and retain information.…
When a child’s visual skills are better, reading gets better
When a child is having problems with reading, an important first step should be tutoring and educational support to help coach reading development. This is a good place to start, but building visual function through office-based Vision Therapy including tutorial support is better yet.
ADHD behaviors often a sign of a developmental vision problem
ADHD, is a well known condition that is associated with poor attention and concentration. As a matter of fact, in the April 12, 2024 issue of the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) News Brief, the headline reads: More Than…
Dr Fortenbacher Presenting to Israeli Doctors on Visual Processing
Reaching out and providing continuing education to doctors in Israel, Dr. Fortenbacher, Founder of Wow Vision Therapy, presented a 1-hour Virtual Lecture on March 4, 2024, on The Clinical Significance of Your Observations in Evaluating Visual Processing in Children…
Accelerating Amblyopia Treatment – Faster and Better Than Ever Before
Accelerating Amblyopia Treatment – Faster and Better Than Ever Before is the title of the lecture presented by the Wow Team of Doctors and Vision Therapists at the Annual Michigan Vision Therapy Study Group Educational Conference held on January 26-27,…